7 Facts About Vaughan Teachers

7 Facts About Vaughan Teachers


We think this is a perfect moment to say a big THANK YOU to all of those Vaughan teachers who day by day (día tras día), hour by hour, make our method (and our company) work. Without them, everything this company has ever created would be absolutely useless (inútil).



All of our English teachers in Spain are carefully selected through (a través de) an extremely demanding and strict training program (un programa de formación extremadamente exigente y estricto) where only the best qualified candidates pass. And when we say “qualified” we’re not just talking about language teaching skills, that’s only the first requirement (requisito). We’re talking about a certain aspect we haven’t come up with a name for yet (para el que todavía no hemos encontrado un nombre), something we could define as the “Vaughan teacher core” (el núcleo del profe Vaughan).     



What’s in that “core”? What does “Vaughan teacher” mean? Why are they so special? What makes them so unique? Well, you actually have to meet one inside a classroom to fully understand. It’ll take you less than a minute to fall in love with them –from a didactic point of view, of course– and realise (darte cuenta) just how brilliant they are. If you haven’t been lucky enough to experience that crush (flechazo) on a Vaughan teacher yet, we hope these 7 facts about Vaughan teachers give you a taste (te ayuden a hacerte una idea).




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Fact #1: A Vaughan teacher is relentless (implacable) when correcting mistakes



Yeah! These guys are tough cookies (tipos duros)! A Vaughan teacher always corrects the student’s mistakes and is aware of the needs (es consciente de las necesidades) of every single person in the class. Even though (aunque) it might sound a bit contradictory, correcting mistakes is the best way to make sure (asegurarse de que) the students gain confidence with their English. A Vaughan student knows what’s correct and what’s not, and thanks to their teacher’s relentless correcting (corrección implacable), they won’t suffer anxiety (no sufrirán ansiedad) when speaking outside the classroom.




Fact #2: A Vaughan teacher is not just a teacher



They’re much more. They’re coaches (entrenadores), mentors (mentores), motivators and the most inspiring people you’ll ever meet (las personas más inspiradoras que vas a conocer en tu vida). They know how to make a student actually enjoy a class and get hooked on (engancharse a) learning the language no matter how hard it is sometimes (sin importar lo difícil que sea a veces).




Fact #3: A Vaughan teacher will know how to make you fall in love…



…With English, of course! Actually, the main goal (el principal objetivo) of a Vaughan teacher is to make their students fall in love with English. Literally. They know once they’ve achieved that (una vez lo han conseguido), everything will work like a well-oiled machine (como una balsa de aceite).




Fact #4: A Vaughan teacher is a “language influencer”



Vaughan teachers help more than 15,000 people a week to speak English in the classroom, and they reach (alcanzan) many more through Vaughan Radio, Vaughan books and Vaughan’s social media. All that passion they put in their jobs is too big to fit inside a classroom (demasiado grande para caber en una clase).




Fact #5: A Vaughan teacher makes people happy



Our teachers receive a 93 % satisfaction rating (cuota de satisfacción) from their students. 93 %. After all of our courses, our students are given a satisfaction form to fill in in which they have to rate (puntuar a) their teachers from 0 to 100. Think about all the teachers you’ve had in your life. How many of them would get more than 90 % in that test? Ours do (los nuestros sí). All of them (todos).




Fact #6: A Vaughan teacher loves their job



60 % of our teachers have got to know about (han conocido) Vaughan through a friend or a relative (un pariente). That means that our teachers enjoy what they do so much they want their friends and family to live the same experience. You can see that love when you’re in a class with them.




Fact #7: A Vaughan teacher delivers “cañiño”    



A Vaughan teacher is perfectly capable of mixing (perfectamente capaz de mezclar) “caña” –being demanding (ser exigente)– and “cariño” –being nice to the students. They’re the most demanding teachers you’ll ever have and yet, they’ll get away with it as they’re absolutely lovable (absolutamente adorables). A demanding teacher is the opposite of a bad teacher, because that’s the way they show they care about their students.




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