Vaughan Teachers
Do you want to teach English in Spain?
For everybody
No previous experience required.
Your attitude
We want dynamic, passionate, fun, professional and determined people.
A true teacher
You just need a natural interest in helping others, and yourself, improve.
You have the possibility to not only be a teacher, but to develop other career paths in Vaughan.
Vaughan Teacher Training
Teach with the best
Free Premium Training
We provide full, free-of-charge training in our style and philosophy. Our expert Teacher Training team will teach you how to inspire and to motivate students.
Agile and Dynamic Style
Our style of teaching is agile, dynamic and fast paced. We firmly believe that the success of the class ultimately depends on the caliber of the teacher and their ability to inspire students.
Career Path
There is a strong tradition of a career path in Vaughan for our teachers in everything from Marketing & designing digital learning platforms, to being a TV or Radio Presenter.
Diverse Teacher Backgrounds
We look for people who are passionate about their jobs and who are willing to apply that passion and enthusiasm to our teaching style.
Vaughan Radio
All of our radio shows are presented by teachers and we are constantly on the lookout for new talent.
Over 300 publications to our name, all authored by teachers. Do you have the next best-selling idea?
What are we looking for?
Inspire, motivate, coach
Think of the best teacher you have ever had; think of their love for what they did. That’s what we want.